
Uno de los mejores vinos del mundo en una de sus añadas más celebradas. Pingus es una delicia que tiene tras de sí el aval de los mejores críticos nacionales e internacionales. Este es el vino que hace referencia al apodo de niñez de su creador, el danés Peter Sisseck. Cada botella de esta maravilla nos regala un trocito del corazón de la Ribera del Duero. Se detiene el mundo con cada sorbo.

Ficha técnica

La bodega
Tinto Crianza
14.0% vol.
6.000 botellas
100% Tinto fino
Otros formatos disponibles:
Ribera del Duero


De intenso color cereza.
Expresiva, potente, compleja y cautivadora. Regala hechizantes notas de violetas, de especias exóticas y apuntes minerales y de fruta en sazón.

Lo define su extrema elegancia. Exhibe un perfecto equilibrio entre la potencia y la finura. Redondo, voluminoso, largo y persistente.
Temperatura de servicio
Se recomienda servir a 16 ºC..
Hasta 2036 en óptimas condiciones de conservación.

Viñedo y elaboración

Viñedos Barroso e San Cristóbal
Viñedos plantados en vaso repartidos entre los términos municipales de La Horra y Roa a una altitud de 845 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Pingus es el resultado de las uvas de dos viñedos prefiloxéricos excepcionales.
4,5 hectares.
Viñedos plantados en 1929.
El terreno del viñedo Barroso es una antigua terraza del Duero gravelo-arenosa sobre arcilla y cal, y el de San Cristóbal es una ladera arcillosa con exposición sur-oeste.
16 hectolitros por hectárea.
Se vinifica con uvas enteras en pequeños fudres de 2.000 litros. La fermentación maloláctica se produce en barricas.
Tuvo lugar en septiembre de 2014.

Opinión de los críticos

The Wine Advocate:

finally tasted the 2012 Pingus in bottle, a wine I sampled last year before bottling, and even if it was the final blend, all of a sudden proprietor Peter Sisseck decided to delay the bottling. He cannot really explain the reason why; it was really a hunch, something he felt and he thinks the decision was right. The good news is that the wine delivers all that it promised before bottling. There are plenty of floral notes, violets, even lilies; it's extremely aromatic, subtle and precise with just some Indian spices in the background to give it an exotic character. With time in the glass, there are some earthy, mineral (even diesel-like?) aromas. It has a rare combination of power and finesse, concentrated but delicate, with buttery, ultra-refined tannins, great balance, acidity, length and a silky texture, not easy to find in Ribera del Duero. This could very well be the best Pingus ever, in the style of 1996, a year of elegance and good acidity, more Burgundian/Atlantic (Peter Sisseck does not agree with the term Burgundian applied to Ribera del Duero) than the average. This wine has the conjunction of their knowledge and the improvements in the vineyards. This is stunning, simply perfect. It has all the components to age for 20+ years. 6,000 bottles were finally filled the first week of September 2014. As I explained last time, 2012 represents a big change in Pingus with 0% new oak used for its upbringing.

James Suckling:

A superb wine with blueberry, blackberry and violet aromas with hints of minerals. Full-bodied, powerful and structured. Extreme length that lasts for minutes on the palate. Incredible texture and brilliance. Perfect structure.


Floral nuances, candied violets and hibiscus, sweet hints of oriental spice, fine old wood spice, blackberries, hints of blueberries, dark minerality. Complex, full-bodied, pronounced in fruit texture, ripe tannins, carried by a fresh acidity, salty nuances in the finish, convincing length, cool, ripe fruit in the finish.