
El 'winemaker' australiano Dan Standish da vida a The Relic, un shiraz australiano de elaboración artesanal. Presenta una fragante nariz con notas frutales y un paso por boca sedoso y exuberante. Aunque ya se encuentra en un buen momento de consumo, se espera un gran potencial de evolución en botella. Sus puntuaciones rozan la perfección de algunos célebres críticos internacionales.

Ficha técnica

15.5% vol.
99% Shiraz, 1% Viognier
Barossa Valley


Aromas de regaliz negro y trufa de chocolate sobre un fondo de mora dulce y una pizca de especias.
Paladar aterciopelado y elegante, con notas de frutos del bosque oscuros, violetas y sabores ahumados. Los taninos firmes proporcionan una estructura sólida y sustentan un final largo e impresionante.
Temperatura de servicio
Se recomienda servir a 16 ºC.
Listo para beber ahora, con un gran potencial de guarda de más de 20 años.

Viñedo y elaboración

Vendimia manual.
Vinificado en fermentadores abiertos (fermentación "silvestre").
Envejecido en roble francés durante 20 meses.

Opinión de los críticos

The Wine Advocate:

The 2021 The Relic Shiraz-Viognier is made with fruit from the Hongell family vineyard, Krondorf. It was made with 1% Viognier co-fermented, with 25% whole bunches in the ferment this year, up from 15% to 20% in 2020. The Relic is one of Australia’s greatest Shiraz Viognier wines, and it’s a sure thing each year for quality and execution of style. In 2020, it was my preferred wine of the collection for its savory, meaty/bacon fat/bloody character. All elements were in balance, and it managed a savory and floral drive within the same glass. Super cool. This year, I love the wine for all the opposite reasons. The 2021 is creamy, plush and almost sybaritic in its outlay of fruit and tannin. At 15.5% alcohol, it's the highest alcohol wine in the 2021 release, yet it doesn’t show that via warmth or harshness in the wine. The whole-bunch component is up slightly this year from last, and honestly, it feels completely invisible in the wine. This is undoubtedly the biggest, most plush wine in the collection, but true to form for Standish, it is balanced and fresh, with a long future in front of it.