
Frontonio La Cerqueta 2018 refleja, en palabras de la propia bodega, el perfil suave y elegante de la mejor Garnacha vieja de pizarra. La uva procede de viñedos tradicionales, cultivados en vaso y de secano, de forma sostenible, que permiten elaborar un vino clásico con el punto innovador que siempre ofrece esta bodega.

Ficha técnica

La bodega
13.5% vol.
3.056 botellas
100% Garnacha


Color rubí claro con lágrimas.
Aromas intensos a frambuesas, incienso, tomillo y romero con notas ahumadas.
En boca es seco, de acidez fresca, taninos firmes, sensación en boca enérgica y largo posgusto
Temperatura de servicio
Se recomienda servir a 16 ºC.

Viñedo y elaboración

Viñedos ubicados a 635 metros de altitud sobre el nivel del mar.
Pizarra azul y gris.
Vendimia manual que se inició el 11 septiembre en cajas de 18 kilogramos.
Elaboración artesanal.
Crianza de 14 meses en foudres.

Opinión de los críticos

The Wine Advocate:

This was their original top red until they started producing the single-vineyard El Jardín de las Iguales, which has had different names through the years, being mostly eponymous, but in 2016, they began adding the name of the vineyard where the grape are grown. The current release is the 2018 La Cerqueta, a pure Garnacha from a 1.18-hectare dry-farmed, head-pruned, 75-year-old vineyard at 630 meters in altitude on slate-rich soils and facing southeast. It fermented with indigenous yeasts and some 60% full clusters that were foot trodden in open-top barrels and then macerated for 47 days. The wine matured in an underground cellar in an oak foudre for 14 months. This wine and Las Alas probably show the evolution in style and the search of finesse and expression of the places better than any others. It's fresh, floral and complete, a little spicy and with lots of energy, inner strength and balance with freshness. It's clean and delicious. This is very close to La Tejera, but the two vineyards have different expressions, a little more powerful here, a little more ethereal in the case of La Tejera. 3,056 bottles were filled in February 2020.